Friday, November 23, 2012

Need and Necessity

    Today is black Friday.  The day when Americans go out and shop to get the best deals for the things they "need"  oh how our priorities are off.  When there are children without homes we call the new TV a need?  Maybe just maybe if we understood the true meaning of the word need we would be able to see that we are overflowing and we have no lack of need.  There are things we may want but not things we need.  I am guilty of this too. In fact this year I was guilty of saying "Honey I think we need a flat screen I mean they are so cheap right now."  So really what I should have said was "wow flat screens are so cheap it would be nice to get one."

   My challenge today as we go into the gift buying frenzy is to remember that there are some children who will receive no gifts and have no family.  A child without a place to call home is someone in need not a family without a flat screen.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely, Anastasia! I know I certainly struggle with this, living in America, and simply being selfish. But helping those with true needs satisfies the need we have in our soul.
