Wednesday, November 7, 2012

International Adoption

So with all my focus on domestic adoption I thought today I should focus on international adoption.  This is a great need as well.  In third world countries when children are orphaned there is often no one local who can adopt them.  The numbers of orphans around the world are staggering.  In Asia and Africa children are orphaned every day due to AIDS and poverty.  And then there are always the eastern European countries with children who are left in their cribs all day at the orphanage because there isn't enough staff to care for all of them.

The orphan care can seem so overwhelming so insurmountable.  My encouragement is this, you help one at a time and you recruit others to help as well.  We shouldn't be doing this alone.  1/3 of Americans have considered adoption but no more then 2% have actually followed through.  What if just 10% of us followed through and adopted. Can you imagine? I don't think it would be a crisis anymore!

"We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms. But once YOU DO everything changes." David Platt

For information on international adoption here is a link to a couple organizations that can help.

ANd here is a link to someones story of an airport party that made me cry

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