Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dishes and Tears

Lot's of tears have been shed over the last 5 days but today a big wave hit my while doing the dishes.  The music was playing and the kids were having fun and giggling next to me on the floor.  From Friday's massacre of 20 innocent children and 7 adults, to Daisy Love Merrick I just couldn't keep them back.  I silently cried as the tears rolled down into the soapy water.  I pleaded with the LORD asking  him to heal Daisy Love and was gently reminded as I cried that he loved me and Daisy more then anyone ever could.

If you don't know Daisy's story she is an 8 year old girl who has just been diagnosed with two cancerous tumors for the 4th time in her short life.  She isn't just any 8 year old girl to us though.  Her dad was/is one of my husbands mentors.  He discipled my husband and taught him what it meant to be a man after God's own heart.  If you have met Britt you know he is a man after God's own heart and if you met my husband you can tell he is a good teacher.  Because of this Daisy holds an extra special place in our hearts along with her whole family.  Christmas 2011 we stood at church chatting with her mom (Kate) while Elijah Merrick played with the children.  She told us how happy she was that Daisy's cancer was gone (that was after the second diagnosis) yet she knew that all these treatments had taken a toll on her sweet body.  That image is burned in my mind as I held our 5 week old little boy that was born in our hearts.  At that same moment we told her how Daisy's story and their faith had given us the courage to take the steps that led us to him. My heart breaks on so many different levels.  For Daisy as her body aches and she starts chemo again knowing that her tumors are inoperable.  For Kate and Britt as I know as a mother and father how much they just want to take the pain away.  For her older brother who probably wishes he could take away the pain too.

In all of this I know that God is good and he is bigger then any tumor even when I don't have the faith to believe it.  This year at Christmas we will hold our little ones a little tighter and tell them we love them a little bit more.  We will remember that our children are not ours but that they belong to our Father in heaven who loves them so much more then we ever could.  And he will not forsake us.

Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

John 11:35 Jesus wept.

To read more of Daisy's story and witness her families incredible faith go here www.prayfordaisy.com

Sunday, December 2, 2012


I got in the car yesterday and an old Jars of Clay song was on.  The second verse stood out to me as a sad state that happens in our lives.
Sitting silent wearing Sunday best
The sermon echos through the walls
A Great salvation through it calls to the people
who stare into nowhere, and can't feel the chains on their souls

It's the time when you forget what it feels like to be wrapped in our Saviors love.  When you forget the feeling of what it was like when you first realized how much the LORD loves you.  When the songs become just what you do instead of an overflow out of your heart.  Or just that picture of being silent wearing Sunday best and the legalism that can come with that.  And then there is the part that hits so hard " and can't feel the chains on their souls."  I think it hits so hard because I have been in this spot and am no longer there.  The chains of the yoke we weren't meant to bear.  Thankfully you don't have to do anything to get rid of the chains.  The LORD does it for you.  We all have chains we can't feel so it is good to ask everyday for the LORD to remove the things we aren't meant to bear so we can fall more in love with him.  

Thankful the LORD never leaves us where we are!