Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

I read a couple statistics the other day in a book by the barna group and I was floored.  In fact I am still floored by what I read.

38% of practicing Christians seriously consider adoption
5% of practicing Christians adopted a child
31% of practicing Christians seriously consider becoming a foster parent
3% of practicing Christians became a foster parent
*Becoming home by: Jedd Medefind

So these people aren't just thinking oh that would be nice they are taking the time to really consider what that means but very few will actually follow through.  So that begs the question why?  What holds them back?  I actually asked a group of pastors this last week and the first answer I heard was fear.  And you know what he is right.  I know because I almost let fear take over.  Dustin and I knew the LORD was calling us into foster care but I was scared.  We stopped and started the process.  I had tons of reasons not to then Dustin had reasons.  We almost let fear win but I am so glad we didn't.

When I sit and think what if I had let fear win I am brought to my knees and filled with tears.  If I had let fear win we would be a totally different family.  Was foster care hard. Yes.  Is adoption simple and straight forward. Not at all.  But every bit of it is worth it.  All of the sacrifice all of the unknowns I would do them all over again.  The lessons I learned and continue to learn about love and life are worth so much.  And the blessings oh the blessings.  To watch these sweet children grow together and learn about life together.

SO today I challenge you to pray this.  LORD what am I letting fear keep me from?  LORD help me to step out in faith with courage to walk in the calling you have for my life.

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