Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Root of Love

"Love has within it a redemptive power and that is a power there that eventually transforms individuals. That's why Jesus says love your enemies because if you hate your enemies you have no way to redeem and transform your enemies. You will discover at the very root of love is the power of redemption."

Martin Luther King Jr

I was asked yesterday how I was doing.  I thought about it for a minute and realized I truly have been sad and surrendered to that feeling for months. You see I didn't support either candidate.  I didn't feel good about Hillary or Trump.  We didn't even decide what we would do until the week of the election. It became the year of the anti vote.  In other words so many people voted for a candidate not because they believed in them but because they feared the other candidate.  Fear should never be our motivation yet that was the position so many felt they were in.  For quite sometime my answer to politics has been, vote yes of course but the reality is the real change happens in our everyday lives.

God was so kind to remind me of that on election night.  I helped two different women while everyone else was busy watching results come in.  I helped one mamma find her voice regarding her birth.  Her voice that had been stolen by medical tyranny in the town I live in.  I helped another mamma as she found out the birth mother of her child had given birth again.  I went to bed woke up in the morning and headed to a meeting with many others to work on improving foster care.  You see in the end I am still responsible for what the LORD puts in front of me.  To make a difference in the people he puts on my path.  And from there that love will spread.  One mamma who has found her voice can now go on to encourage another mamma.  The other mamma will likely go on to support another foster/adoptive mamma.  And the group of people working on improving foster care...they all walked away with action items so that we can come back in two months and see some progress and positive change.

So maybe if your candidate won I suggest being respectful of those who are disappointed and sad or heartbroken.  I am not saying accept abuse but I am saying show them love and empathy let them be sad and listen to them with an open heart. You just might learn something.

Maybe your candidate lost.  Feel your hurt, but don't let it lead you to anger and bitterness.  Rioting and hurting innocent people does not help.  Look for ways to love.  Look for ways to LOVE those in need.

And maybe you are like me you didn't vote for either one. The answer is still the same LOVE.  You can never love too much you will never regret loving people.  You will  never regret bending down and lifting someone up.

And to all of us today another baby was born.  Someone died today.  There are still children starving across the globe.  There are orphans without families.  There are children being removed from abusive homes.  There are people struggling to pay their rent no matter how hard they work.  There is a woman who just experienced a miscarriage.  There is a child diagnosed with cancer.  A child was sold for sex over and over. The list goes on.

In my facebook memories today I found this update I wrote 2 years ago today "Jesus didn't try to "fix" the government. Instead he stepped into the mess and corruption and started helping people"

Let's be the change.  That is what Jesus did and it is what he called us to do.

This short sermon from Dr. Martin Luther King is so clearly Holy Spirit inspired and so important at all times.  The beginning quote was taken from this sermon.

And as always my heart is filled when I sing songs of worship to the LORD.

My challenge for you today is to find a way to be LOVE in this world because that is the only way we will drive out hate.

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