Monday, September 24, 2012

My comments

Just for the record below are the  comments that were never approved:

On, "some recently finished projects":

I am so glad you have an OB that you trust but the reality is many women don’t have that choice. For example there are a few good OB’s here but if you get their on call you could get the worst OB you have ever met in your life. I have personal experience with the OB’s in our town and there is a wide range. You could do research to days end pick an amazing OB and on the day your baby comes you get the worst. I agree be thankful the LORD gave them to you even if you didn’t pick them. On that same note he may have given them to you so you can stand up for what’s right. I think that is what is lacking here. Be thankful in everything yes but that doesn’t mean we don’t stand up for what is right. When speaking about birth remember not everyone has wonderful OB’s they can trust with everything and that OB’s are still human. I had one definitely unnecessary induction and c-section that I am grateful for because it forced me to research more about birth and the LORD led me into relationships where hopeful real change can happen.

On "Natural but Cursed":

I think you need to tread lightly and make sure you are not putting your faith in medical advancement. I just recently had the director of maternal health at our local hospital (which houses a level 3 NICU) tell me that she has seen external monitoring cause more harm then good. She said “a baby in trouble will always tell you but a happy baby can trick you on a monitor”. I keep hearing I am so happy I live in this country to give birth but this country ranks 49th in maternal mortality. It is because of the medical interventions. I am saying this as a mother who has had 2 c-sections. I am thankful for c-sections and other medical interventions when they are needed. But the reality is they are over used. Standing up and educating people about this is not putting it before Christ. It is important that we stand up for truth. So as a Christ follower my only goal in speaking about childbirth is educating women about the truth.


  1. You couldn't get published on Femina? What??
    Well, they are good. Yes, yes on being thankful does not mean we should not stand up for what is right! And also? Being thankful to God IN all things, does not really mean we should be thankful FOR all things.

    I am not thankful that my son died. I am thankful for who God showed Himself to be. I am thankful for the love I experienced from His church body. I am thankful for His peace that is incomprehensible. I am thankful that He comforts us in grief.

    I believe we are called to be thankful IN all things. That does not mean we need to be grateful for poor medical treatment. But, we can still praise God through it all, as we stand up for what is right.
