Saturday, April 20, 2013

Go clean your room!

So recently I saw this video of Francis Chan talking about how we often treat the teachings of Jesus.  He talks about how we memorize what Jesus says and we talk about it in bible studies but we don't do it.

I have been sitting on what Francis Chan said for about a week now.  I can't shake it.  Jesus was very clear in his teaching what we do for the least of these we do for him.  What we "DO" with our actions, not what we do in our heart, or the verse we memorize that says to help the widows.  Why is it when it comes to our father in heaven we think its enough to say well I memorized that verse about caring for the orphans and we talked about in bible study.  Oh and one time I donated some money to a non-profit.

I mean really it sounds so ridiculous.  But yet it so what we do as humans.  We like to be comfortable and doing what Jesus says means putting your heart on the line.  It means being emotionally involved with broken people.  Not an easy thing to do.

I think this quote sums it all up.
"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny him with their lifestyle" -Brennan Manning

Are you being Jesus to the world today?  Are you feeding the poor?  Are you caring for the widows?  Are you loving the orphans? Or are you living in your safe Christian bubble, only spending time with your friends who believe what you believe?  Are you living a life with little risk?

Be radical  because Jesus was radical, live with all you have.  One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is showing them how to step outside your comfort zone and love those the world says are unlovable.  Because that is what our LORD did for us.  He loved us when we were unlovable.  He loved us while we rejected him.  So when that person rejects you love them more.  Love them harder.  Not with your words, not in your heart, but with your hands and feet.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Maybe I should stop doing dishes

So it was quiet in the house and I decided to power out some dishes.  I went into the kitchen set up some music and got started.  A few songs in and my eyes welled up with tears.  I couldn't help but think of the grief and pain involved with adoption.  My heart was breaking for my little ones birth mom and the loss that they have all experienced.  Even when we have eternal hope life is hard and our hearts hurt for this broken world.

You broke my chains of sin and shame and you covered me with your grace.

You mend my life with your holy fire

You cover me with grace

You are the hand that reaches out to save

I am set free oh oh oh oh
It is for freedom that I am set free

I am set free-All sons and Daughters

May we all experience freedom in the midst of this broken world.

Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.